Motion sickness, that uncomfortable feeling of nausea and dizziness, is a common phenomenon experienced by passengers in taxis and private hire vehicles across Singapore. But why does it happen?
Image: Ministry of Transport
One of the primary causes is the driving style of some taxi and private hire drivers. Quick accelerations and sudden stops are often the norm, especially in the hustle and bustle of city traffic. While these maneuvers might be necessary to navigate through congested roads efficiently, they can also contribute to motion sickness among passengers.
Moreover, Singapore's road infrastructure, characterized by frequent traffic lights, roundabouts, and sharp turns, exacerbates the issue. Drivers often need to accelerate and decelerate abruptly, leading to a jerky ride experience for passengers.
Another factor is the design of the vehicles themselves. Many taxis and private hire cars in Singapore are equipped with powerful engines that provide rapid acceleration. While this can be advantageous for maneuvering through traffic, it also means that passengers feel the force of acceleration more acutely, potentially triggering motion sickness.
Additionally, ventilation and air circulation inside vehicles play a crucial role. Poor ventilation or strong air conditioning can contribute to a stuffy environment, which, combined with erratic movements, can intensify feelings of nausea and discomfort.
Image: iStock
Fortunately, there are steps both drivers and passengers can take to alleviate motion sickness. Drivers can adopt smoother driving techniques, avoiding sudden accelerations and stops whenever possible. Passengers, on the other hand, can sit in the front seat, where motion is typically felt less intensely, or focus on a fixed point outside the vehicle to help mitigate feelings of nausea.
While motion sickness in Singapore taxis and private hire vehicles is a prevalent issue, it is often the result of a combination of factors, including driving style, road conditions, vehicle design, and environmental factors. By understanding these factors and taking appropriate measures, both drivers and passengers can work together to create a more comfortable and enjoyable ride experience for everyone.