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Navigating the Waves of Discomfort: Tips for Managing Motion Sickness

Motion sickness, characterized by nausea, dizziness, and unease, can cast a shadow on travel experiences for many individuals. Whether you are on a road trip, cruising on a boat, or soaring through the skies, motion sickness can be an unwelcome companion. Let's explore practical tips to help you manage and alleviate the discomfort of motion sickness.

woman feeling motion sickness

Understand the Triggers

Motion sickness often occurs when there is a disparity between what your eyes perceive and what your inner ears sense in terms of motion. Understanding your personal triggers, such as reading in a moving vehicle or staring at a screen for an extended period, can help you take preventive measures.

Choose the Right Seat

If possible, try opt for a seat that minimizes motion, such as the front seat of a car or over the wings in an airplane. In a boat, position yourself toward the center and look at the horizon to provide a stable reference point for your eyes.

Stay Hydrated and Avoid Heavy Meals

Dehydration and a full stomach can exacerbate motion sickness symptoms. Stay hydrated with water and opt for light, easily digestible meals before and during your journey.

Ventilate the Space

Poor ventilation can contribute to feelings of nausea. Ensure the area you're in is well-ventilated, whether it's a car, plane, or boat. Fresh air can help alleviate discomfort.

Focus on a Fixed Point

During your journey, focus on a fixed point in the distance. This could be the horizon, a mountain peak, or a stationary object. Concentrating on a stable reference point helps reconcile the conflicting signals your senses may be receiving.

Take Breaks and Move Around

If possible, take breaks during your journey to move around and change your position. This can help reset your sensory perceptions and reduce the onset of motion sickness.

Mind-Body Techniques

Engage in mind-body techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or focusing exercises, to calm your senses and reduce anxiety associated with motion sickness.

remedies for motion sickness

Ginger: A Natural Remedy

Ginger has been found to be effective in alleviating nausea. Consider consuming ginger in various forms, such as ginger candies, tea, or supplements, before and during your journey.

Acupressure Wristbands

Wristbands that apply pressure to specific acupressure points on the wrists have been known to help manage motion sickness. These are readily available and can be worn throughout your journey.

Over-the-Counter Medications

Consult with a healthcare professional about over-the-counter medications specifically designed to alleviate motion sickness. These may include antihistamines or other remedies that can be taken before your journey.

woman feeling motion sickness

Image: MSIG

Managing motion sickness is about finding the right combination of preventive measures and remedies that work for you. By understanding your triggers and implementing these practical tips, you can navigate the waves of discomfort and enjoy your journey with greater ease. Whether you are a frequent traveler or an occasional adventurer, taking proactive steps to address motion sickness ensures a smoother and more enjoyable experience on the move.


Some quick remedies for managing motion sickness:

  1. Acupressure Wristbands - Sea-Band Anti-Nausea (Adults) - Sea-Band Anti-Nausea (Children)

  2. Ginger Remedies - Blackmores Stomach Settler - UpSpring Stomach Settle Drops - USDA Organic Natural Ginger Tummydrops - Sea-Band Ginger Lozenges

  3. Over-the-Counter Medications - Dramamine (dimenhydrinate): Motion Sickness Medication - MaxGood motion sickness patches

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