Easy platform for buyers & sellers to get information on the purchase and sale of HDB flats in Singapore.

The new (HDB Flat Portal) launched by The Housing Development Board of Singapore now provides quick access to information on the buying and selling of flats starting from Wednesday, 13 January 2021.

Photo Courtesy of Housing & Development Board
This single-integrated platform will include:
Financial Calculators to check buyers’ budget and payment plan, as well as to estimate sales proceeds for sellers before they buy or sell their flat. This will help buyers as a benchmark when discussing with property or bank consultants regarding purchasing a resale flat.
Loan listings for buyers to gain information regarding housing loans provided by HDB and other financial institutions.
Flat listings on current and upcoming Build-to-Order (BTO) to view and compare all the housing options.
Resale flat listings will be included in the next phases of this new portal.
Covid19 has evolved us in many ways, and technology is now more important than ever to deliver the services we need. Do check out the portal at https://homes.hdb.gov.sg/home/landing and share this article with your loved ones so they may benefit from this new initiative.
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