Be more aware of the different types of scam that exist around you!

Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels
Be Wary of Everyone!
Messages with links/attachments from a person you know might be from his account that has been hacked. Hackers then use the accounts to send these scam links/attachments to infect you.
Verify before Action
Your best approach is always to verify before taking any action such as to click a link or open an attachment, and below, we provide you with some scenarios to help create more awareness for you and your love ones.
⦿ At Work Place
If an email from another company staff or your colleagues seems to be very vague, for example, not indicating project details but leaving the subject or content too general, or, asking you to open something funny, and at times, telling you it is urgent and ask you to download the attachment or view link, such emails might just be another scam attempt. In such cases, call the person to verify if the email was indeed sent by him or her. Do not jeopardize your career by assuming and having your computer infected, as it will affect the company and can be costly for the company and risking you your job employment.
⦿ An email/text message from friends
If the details sent to you are out of the ordinary, meaning to say it's something that you do not usually receive, or you know this is forwarded in general and being sent to many, the best action is to take no action. Do not open any links or files attached. At times, if it's a chain message, even verifying with your friend may not help since he might have forwarded the message thinking it's helpful, but without knowing the contents either. So avoid any links you see in mass sent/forwarded messages.
⦿ Promotional Messages, Emails, and even leaflets with websites and QR Codes
Never click links on messages and emails or scan the QR code with your phone immediately. Be sure to verify the promotion using the steps below:
Go to the company's website by searching for it on Google.
Browse through the News/Updates or Social media section of the company's website to verify if the promotion is real.
If there is no info, chances is that the promotion is fake. And if you want to be certain, just contact the company directly.
See this post regarding the recent NTUC FairPrice Singapore Scam, it is so realistic that many have fallen for it, giving out private information in which after verifying with NTUC, it was a hoax scam QR code link.
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This will also reduce the risk of you being affected since they become more knowledgeable on the subject.